Decarbonisation is an issue that calls for urgent action: increased efficiency, technological innovation, access to finance and a clear regulatory framework are topics that can only be tackled through a dedicated platform. In 2016 the Royal Belgian Shipowners’ Association (RBSA) took the initiative to set up a think tank where all stakeholders involved can orient around steps in the decarbonisation pathway. We called it the Maritime Industry Decarbonisation Council (MIDC).
The vision of MIDC is to assist in accelerating the uptake of emission-saving innovative technologies through the sharing of (technical) knowledge of ongoing maritime projects.
Four times a year, the think tank brings together stakeholders representing the entire maritime value chain to discuss multiple ongoing projects. The versatility of the team gives the opportunity to approach a topic/project from a 360° perspective.
“The think-tank is a-political, commercially independent and most importantly evidence-led”
There are three types of sessions:
Technical sessions: projects are being presented and discussed
Strategic sessions: exchange perspectives on new policies
General sessions: decarbonisation pathways and other industry research is being presented