Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation. It tackles climate change, helps to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and boosts the EU’s competitiveness and growth.
The partnership aims for the EU to lead and accelerate the transformation of maritime and inland waterborne transport to eliminate all harmful environmental emissions (including greenhouse gas, air and water pollutants) through innovative technologies and operation.
By 2030 the objective is to develop and demonstrate deployable zero-emission solutions which are applicable for all main ship types and services and will enable achievement of zero-emission waterborne transport by 2050.
Topics 2022 call
Exploiting electrical energy storage systems and better optimising large battery electric power within fully battery electric and hybrid ships - Total indicative budget: EUR 16 mln (2 projects), IA, TRL 7
Innovative energy storage systems onboard vessels - Total indicative budget: EUR 15 mln (3 projects), RIA, TRL 5
Exploiting renewable energy for shipping, in particular focusing on the potential of wind energy - Total indicative budget: EUR 18 mln (2 projects), RIA, TRL 5
Transformation of the existing fleet towards greener operations through retrofitting - Total indicative budget: EUR 25 mln (5 projects), IA, TRL 7-8
Seamless safe logistics through an autonomous waterborne freight feeder loop service - Total indicative budget: EUR 15 mln (1 project), RIA, TRL 5
Computational tools for shipbuilding - Total indicative budget: EUR 7mln (1 project), IA, TRL 7-8
Safer navigation and tackling containership fires - Total indicative budget: EUR 12mln (2-3 projects), IA, TRL 7